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Conference Services

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Events & Visitors To Campus

  • Visitors and guests are welcome to visit the campus.
  • Everyone on our campus will be expected to adhere to our community standards and public health guidelines.
  • External client event facility rental requests can be submitted though all reservations and rental agreements will be contingent on NYS and University approvals. For questions, please contact the Cultural Life Center at conference@astreid.com.


Welcome to Roberts Wesleyan College Conference & Event Services the "one-stop shop" for planning campus and off-campus events, big and small. We assist faculty, staff, and students on campus, as well as conference planners (potential and contracted) seeking Roberts Wesleyan College as a conference site.

  • From the first of June through the end of July, we rent College facilities for conference and camp use.
  • During the school year, we help plan various campus events, such as: concerts, musicals, plays, dinners, speaking engagements, and student activities. Our office manages scheduling for all campus co-curricular activities.

Our office is located in the Roberts Cultural Life Center, upper level. Available Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. For more information, please call us (585) 594-6008, or e-mail conference@astreid.com.

Mailing Address:
Roberts Wesleyan College
Conference & Event Services
2301 Westside Drive
Rochester, New York 14624-1997
Phone: (585) 594-6008
Email: conference@astreid.com